Welcome to Assure Pharma
Assure Pharma is an emerging, global pharmaceutical company with proven capabilities in the areas of product research, manufacturing & marketing.
Over the years, Assure Pharma has emerged as one of the fastest growing Indian pharmaceutical companies. Our focus on specialty segments in India has helped us maintain the growth. We are firmly establishing our brands in each market for sustained sales.
Assure Pharma was incorporated in ..... and has since moved up the value chain from being a small manufacturer to a vibrant marketing and research-oriented company. Assure Pharma is now one of the leading pharmaceutical companies from India.
About us
Our manufacturing capability includes a wide range of therapeutic products covering segments like Calcium, multivitamins & Antioxidants. Apptite Stimulants & Digestive enzymes, Analgesics, Anti-pyretic & Anti Inflammatory, Herbal Preparations, Anti-Malarial, Anti-Fungal, Corticosteriod, Antibacterials, Anti-allergics, Anti-Cold,Anti-Tussives & Expectorants. Antacid- Anti-peptic ulcerant, Wormicicals, Iron Preparations & Protein Preparation.
Given our strong emphasis on product quality and services, Assure Pharma has been able to launch products with enhanced release profiles to ensure better treatment compliance and dosage convenience.
Client Satisfaction
Due to our professional approach and quality range of products as per (GMP standards), we have been maintaining a cordial relationship with our clients. With the help of our third party manufacturing and qualified professionals, we prepare high quality range of pharmaceutical drugs to ensure flawless products. Our ability to deliver bulk quantity of pharmaceutical drugs within a specified time frame has made us..
3rd Party Manufacturing Services
We also undertake Third Party Manufacturing Services for a large number of pharmaceutical companies, who do not have their own production facilities. We are having a product range of around 600 products in Third Party Manufacturing Services. We also consider the small batch sizes with "Quality" producs for producing best possible results...